Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pre-departure. Post #1

I am very excited to travel to Spain for the first time. I have traveled to Europe before however I have never been to Spain. I am very excited to experience the culture, and learn what its like to have a “siesta” in the middle of the day. I have also been looking forward to meeting my host family, as well as the different food that I am going to eat. I have been researching into various local markets and places where people buy their food. Since Oviedo is about 30 minutes from the coast, the local markets sell extremely fresh fish and seafood. I really enjoy fish and all kinds of seafood, but I am also excited to try new, local dishes. By then end of this program I am hoping to speak Spanish pretty fluently. I have also been reviewing the Vosotros tense, however it might take me a little time to get acclimated with it. Other than that, I am extremely excited to arrive in Oviedo and get situated. See you all there!!

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